I’m launching a live, online course for parents who want to raise money-smart kids.
It’s called The Art of Allowance Academy.
This course is for parents who:
- Don’t want to raise kids who act entitled.
- Are worried they’re not prepared to teach their kids money smarts.
- Are tired of living in a consumer-centric world.
- Don’t know when to start teaching their kids about money.
- Want to understand how to set up a system that can grow with their children.
There’s no payment or commitment yet! You’re just letting me know that you’re interested in learning more about the course when the time comes.
This course will expand on a popular starter workshop I’ve taught to thousands of parents nationwide. However, this new offering will be an immersive and hopefully transformative experience, making it totally different from its one-hour counterpart.
The Art of Allowance Academy is built on principles I’ve developed over two decades and shared with thousands of families.
What’s more, it will be the first live, cohort-based course to help parents get started raising money-smart kids.
The course will include:
- Live training to start your allowance system and work through the kinks.
- Unlimited access to coaching throughout the four weeks of the course.
- A community of like-minded parents with whom you can exchange ideas in real time.
The cohort matters. How we think about money and how we might go about teaching our kids about money has more to do with our own personal experiences with money. It’s called The Art of Allowance for a reason. It’s more art than science.
Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money, sums up how we think about money nicely, “Your personal experiences with money make up maybe 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world, but maybe 80% of how you think the world works.”
By coming together with fellow parents in a friendly, open, online environment, we will leverage each others’ experiences to produce results that are greater than the sum of our collective parts. Over the course of these four weeks, I will guide you as we tap into each other’s experiences to set up systems that will work for our individual kids. Collectively, we’ll create better systems.
I’ve seen this happen in some of the best cohort-based courses in the business as a student, and I can’t wait to bring this approach to you as a teacher. To help you raise money-smart kids.
During our time together, I’ll provide you the big picture of why it’s so important to begin teaching your kids money smarts when they’re young.
And because I recognize that every family is different and that each child within every family is unique, I’ll teach you a system you can customize to fit the needs of your own family. You’ll get tactical, hands-on tips and techniques I’ve discovered and learned from other parents and experts.
I am building this course in the Maven accelerator. Maven hosts some of the top live, cohort-based courses and believes community is the cornerstone of online learning. To that end, Maven even provides mentors who will help me build the best possible course for you.
Please complete this short survey to indicate your interest and to join our waitlist. You’ll be the first to hear when enrollments open!
Again, you’re not yet committing to anything, but your interest is appreciated during the Maven accelerator application process.
And because you will participate in the initial rollout of this course, you will join our first cohort at a discount — $500. (A discount of $250 off the course fee!) When you consider what you might pay for piano lessons, club sports or summer camp, this course is a veritable bargain.
Finally, I want this investment to be 100% risk-free. If you participate in the course sessions, complete the deliverables, and still don’t find the course valuable, then I’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of the start of the course.
And if you’d like to know a little more about me, then you can click here.