The Art of Allowance is a short, practical guide that will help you learn how to use an allowance to teach your kids to be money-smart and become money-empowered at any age.

John Lanza, creator of The Money Mammals financial literacy program and author of the Dr. Toy Award-winning “Share & Save & Spend Smart” picture book trilogy, leverages more than a decade of experience in the money-smart movement to lead you and your child on your own Art of Allowance journey–from birth to teen. What’s more, throughout this book he intersperses “Memos from the Chief Mammal,” exploring the impact of commercialism and money’s role in daily life to provide a broader context for the allowance journey upon which you and your child are embarking.
Additionally, you and your child can explore this website which includes other resources such as fun financial literacy activities and supplementary readings. When used in conjunction with The Art of Allowance , these materials will help your child become money-smart and money-comfortable to live a happier, more fulfilled life. Don’t be surprised if you find your own relationship with money changing as well!