Around the World (in a Save Jar)
I recently had lunch with a friend just before she was about to take off on an around-the-world journey. I was envious. We had talked previously about goals, something she …
I recently had lunch with a friend just before she was about to take off on an around-the-world journey. I was envious. We had talked previously about goals, something she …
Everyone now knows Drew Brees. Being inches shorter than your average Joe NFL QB, performing for a once moribund franchise, and playing for a city that was almost completely destroyed, …
If you’ve been following this blog and my advice about having three jars for your kids (Share, Save and Spend Smart), you’re likely to have a kid with a sizable …
“Can we just stop in the American Girl Doll Store?” These are ten words that really, truly scare me. Now before you get all “What do you have against dolls?” …
“Dad, look, here’s a $10 gift card to Toys R Us. Can we go?” “Well, honey, that’s not really a $10 coupon. It’s $10 off if we spend $75. We …
These are some of the top resources that I’ve found that can help you teach your kids about the value of money: Allowance Magic – A short, simple and authoritative allowance …
Times may be tough, but whatever you do, please don’t lose your focus on the family. I know I posted on this recently, but it bears repeating because I’ve seen …
I heard a very interesting story this Thursday on NPR’s Morning Edition. Linda Wertheimer chatted with The Wall Street Journal‘s David Wessell about the recent rebound in the savings rate …
“While there are many causes to the economic problems facing this country, it is undeniable that lack of financial literacy is a contributing factor.” -Charles Schwab, Chairman of the President’s …
“Children are already a major target audience for advertisers. American companies currently spend $15 billion a year on marketing and advertising to children under the age of 12—twice the amount …