“Big Brain” Trips & Discovering What Lights Up Your Child

In this issue: Nurturing your kids’ creativity, encouraging their interests and sharing something old and something new. “Helping parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I’m excited to share this week’s ideas with you. So let’s dive right in! — 1 — “Big Brain” Trips: Richard Feynman, who won a Nobel Prize for his work on quantum physics, was one of America’s great twentieth-century intellects. He…

Knowing vs Knowing About, An Unhappy Vanderbilt & Some Weekly Wisdom

In this issue: Coping with information overload, identifying what purchases bring you joy and viewing happiness as a catalyst. “Helping parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends, I decided to give you Veterans Day off. So welcome back! Since it’s “budget season,” I want to remind credit union folks about our partner program, The Art of Allowance Project featuring The Money Mammals for younger kids…

Should you tell your kids how much money you make? 🤷🏻‍♂️

“Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello friends! I am still basking in the glow of the Dodgers World Series win! So is Joe the Monkey. I feel for Yankee fans since I once was one, and many in my family still are. Until that fifth inning of that fifth game, it looked like the Bronx Bombers might stage a series comeback. Please believe me when I say I have empathy for a difficult season’s…

Pop Pop’s Wisdom: Pay Yourself First

In this issue: How credit unions help families become money-empowered, how “paying yourself first” transcends money and how “being” differs from “becoming.” “Helping parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! For nearly two decades, we’ve been helping credit unions engage kids and empower parents. So I’m excited to share what I learned from my latest podcast discussion with Courtney Fulmer, the…

Can experts help us predict the future? đź”®

In this issue: Ignoring the noise, getting to the bottom of gamification and turning to the Oracle of Omaha. “Helping parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I ran the Long Beach Marathon last weekend. Thankfully, the weather cooperated, and we enjoyed cloud cover the whole way. Outside the Long Beach Aquarium after the race (photo courtesy of the wife, Eileen) In other good news, I qualified for…

Avoiding Influencer Scams, Setting Goals and Discovering What’s Enough

In this issue: Diving deeper into digital literacy, finding the process that works for your family and learning the hardest lesson. “Helping parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends, Welcome to this week’s “3 Ideas to Share & Save”! I hope you’re enjoying our miniseries featuring literacies that complement the financial variety we often discuss: Learning media literacy helps kids understand how…

How can we help our kids be safer and more secure online?

In this issue: Introducing the topic of digital literacy, protecting our kids from online scams and contending with the technology we possess. “Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I have a short, funny story to relate. I knew I wanted to start this week’s newsletter with a quote I only partially recalled. I knew Robert Duvall had said it. (No, not THAT Robert Duvall!) And I…

What can you learn from 3 dads about the money-smart journey?

In this issue: Introducing my latest podcast episode, realizing parenting takes bravery and finding the resolve to continue the journey. “Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! Today I’m returning from a quick trip to see my daughter (A college senior! 🤯), her Huskies (They won! 🎉) and the Seahawks (My favorite NFL team, who also won! 🎊) in the (other) Emerald City. Great weekend!…

Where did The Money Mammals come from? 💰🧠

In this issue: Engaging kids with money-smart messages, empowering parents with robust resources and making a contribution to society. “Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends, I’d like to begin this installment of “3 Ideas to Share & Save” with a big thank you! 🙏 Our readership has doubled over the past several months due to your sharing these ideas and fellow writers’ referring…

What’s your strategy for raising a money-smart child?

In this issue: Filling your money-smart rucksack, becoming a one percenter and considering perspectives on time. “Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.” 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I’ve returned from dropping off my daughter at school, which means my wife and I are back to being empty nesters. But it also means I’m back to sharing this newsletter with you. So let’s dive into this new installment! — 1 — Fill…