Metaverse Life and Money Lessons
Tech guru and credit union innovator Brett Wooden discusses financial education opportunities for kids in the metaverse.
Tech guru and credit union innovator Brett Wooden discusses financial education opportunities for kids in the metaverse.
Former NFL player and CFP Jedidiah Collins discusses why you should not only think like an investor but also act like one as well.
Former NFL player and CFP Jedidiah Collins explains the Rule of 72 and discusses inflation as a teaching tool.
Former NFL player and CFP Jedidiah Collins explains why principles, behaviors and habits are paramount when it comes to money.
Digital marketing expert James Robert Lay explains why he may not send his kids to college.
Digital marketing expert James Robert Lay offers an alternate framing for the advice of encouraging kids to “follow their passions.”
Digital marketing expert James Robert Lay offers a new take on deposits to grow kids’ wealth.
Pocketnest founder and CEO Jessica Willis reminds us not to let the complexity of or our concerns about estate planning paralyze us from completing the process.
Pocketnest founder and CEO Jessica Willis explains the festive way she got her kids excited about investing.
Mom and money maven Bobbi Rebell drops a truth bomb: Schools are not stakeholders in money-smart learning.