Are you enjoying the money-smart journey with your kids?

In this issue: Embracing the rocky road to money empowerment, joining our money-smart journey and a nugget of weekly wisdom.

“Working to help parents raise money-smart kids.”

​​3 Ideas to Share & Save
(Click the link above 👆 to read this week’s edition on the web.)

Hello, friends!

I hope you enjoyed my recent Art of Allowance Podcast conversation with financial literacy pioneer Vince Shorb. If so, then I have more great guests lined up in the coming months.

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Now on to this week’s installment of “3 Ideas to Share & Save”!

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A Rocky Road: During my latest podcast recording, I reflected on the value of embracing the money-smart journey with our kids.

video preview

The road is often rocky, littered with successes and failures. Case in point: The same kid who saved diligently for months to get a toy she wanted also incurred a delivery fee higher than the price of the food she ordered. 😱 Of course, learning from the latter is arguably more powerful.

Since I’m an empty nester, my journey now includes encounters with podcast guests who share wonderful ideas I wish I had the opportunity to try. For instance, Chelsea Brennan embraces digital dollars with her school-age kids to ensure allowance consistency. And Will Rainey leverages his investing success by sharing his three rules of wealth with his children and many other kids through his book.

While I wish I’d heard these ideas earlier in my family’s journey, I can take solace in my opportunity to share them with you. After all, that’s the reason I started the podcast — to discover wonderful ideas to help us all on our money-smart journeys.

For even more ideas, check out our growing collection of YouTube shorts. And for folks coming to us from our credit union partners, you can easily sort through our robust content library by topic, age and media type in the “For Parents” section of your Art of Allowance Project site.

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Join the Journey: Would you like to be a part of The Art of Allowance Podcast?

Do you have a story about your kids’ money-smart (or not-so-money-smart 🤑) behavior?

Record yourself on your phone or other smart device, and send the file to ​me at Here’s a prompt you can use:

“This is ____ from _____. I wanted to tell this story of our family’s money-smart journey. _______________.”

Or have you heard a story from a friend? Please forward this email, and ask them to share!

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Weekly Wisdom:

“Cash is like oxygen. You don’t notice it 99% of the time, but when it’s absent, it’s the only thing you notice.”
— Warren Buffett

While money can’t buy happiness, the lack of money brings about misery. Cash is the economic oxygen we breathe. So even while embracing controlled consumption, we need cash to survive and thrive. 💵

Podcast guests like James Robert Lay, Kirk Drake and Robin Taub have all underscored an essential truth: To “Share and Save and Spend Smart Too” like The Money Mammals, we must have more “gazintas” than “gazoutas.” If those terms aren’t familiar, then I explain them here.

We’re on a journey! So let’s try to enjoy it.

Chief Mammal

P.S. Please consult with a financial or investment professional before engaging in any decisions that might affect your own financial well-being.

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