Finopotamus – Snigglezoo Brings Financial Education to the Youth Market

“We’ve discovered that many of our [credit union] colleagues put static information on their website. That makes financial education something that members have to seek out. We’re really trying to change that model and bring it top of mind for our members.”

– Michelle Swauger, Chief Administrative Officer at F&A Federal Credit Union

The Art of Allowance Project family financial wellness program promotes both member engagement and institutional growth. F&A Federal Credit Union‘s Chief Administrative Officer, Michelle Swauger, explains how in a recent piece by John San Filippo of Finopotamus.

In the feature, Swauger outlines the following strategies as key to the program’s success at F&A:

  • Utilizing Money Mammals resources for young children
  • Accommodating tweens and teens with Adolescent$ content
  • Providing guiding tools to parents
  • Promoting the program year-round both in-branch and online
  • Considering financial wellness to be an integral component of the credit union’s strategic plan