Welcome to Marketing Manatee Musings!

Hi there, credit union friends!

As the child of two teachers, I eagerly await August. Despite being in the middle of the year, this month has always represented a beginning to me. The start of school brings with it new opportunities for adventure, connection, and, of course, learning.

So as I was toying with the idea of creating a newsletter, August seemed like the perfect jumping-off point. Let’s take the plunge together as I welcome you to my Marketing Manatee Musings!

(📸: Jason Clarke on Giphy)

Okay, so you’re probably wondering, “Where on Earth did that name come from?” And if you’re anything like me, then you’re also thinking, “Why is there no manatee emoji yet?” 🤷

For the past seven (!!!) years, I’ve been part of the team at Snigglezoo, which produces The Money Mammals youth program for credit unions across the US. In my role as Marketing Manatee, I support our partners as they help their youngest members and their families become money-smart. These incredible institutions have provided me with countless tips and techniques, which I now hope to share with you.

This first edition focuses on a recent CUbroadcast episode featuring our Chief Mammal, John Lanza, and SECNY Federal Credit Union’s Chief Experience Officer, Courtney Fulmer. They join host Mike Lawson to discuss how a youth program can engage both credit union members and staff. Here are the key takeaways of their conversation:

1) Utilizing a direct mail piece to promote program awareness and excitement

2) Leveraging high-traffic seasons to create a credit union community

3) Curating in-branch experiences to youth account holders

Without further ado, let’s dive right in! 🏊‍♀️

— 1 —

The Power of Print: Are you guilty of mindless scrolling on your favorite social media platform? Yeah, me too! As a self-professed “geriatric millennial,” Instagram is my mind-numbing agent of choice. 🙈

Despite adults’ desire for all things digital, kids are still enticed by the thought of something physical. I need only to watch the stampede for stickers at the conclusion of my daughter’s gymnastics classes to realize this. If a herd (Yes, I said it!) of two-year-olds can threaten to trample their coach over such meager tangible trinkets, then imagine the excitement of a child who receives her very own piece of mail. Jackpot!

SECNY harnesses this energy by offering a quarterly newsletter to their youngest members. As Fulmer explains:

“There is just still something really cool about having a piece of mail in your hand, especially as a child. You know? Wow, this came for me!”

She goes on to mention that SECNY utilizes the newsletter as not only a direct mail piece but also an activity sheet during branch visits. Its puzzles serve as engaging and relevant distractions during meetings that adults may have, for, as Fulmer jokes, “Kids don’t care about the loan process!”

Still hearing the siren song of the digital realm? Then promote physical pieces on your social channels, as SECNY does here:

Doing so will generate awareness of and excitement for these resources among your young members, their families, and your staff. And hey, it just might scratch your social media itch for the day!

— 2 —

True (Credit Union) Colors: As any parent can attest, coming up with activities for kids on a break from school is an exhausting process. (How long is too long to be camped out at the pool this summer? I’m asking for a friend! 😉)

SECNY takes advantage of this parental predicament by hosting an annual coloring contest during the summer months. Young members can pick up or download an activity sheet to decorate and submit in person or online. Check out these recent works of art:

SECNY shares these masterpieces to their Facebook page, which, thanks to COVID, has become the contest’s official polling “place.” All members are invited to vote by liking the image of their favorite entry. The winners then receive ice cream gift cards, for, as Fulmer admits, “Like any good parent, we bribe with ice cream!” 🍦

What’s more, SECNY also creates an inviting institutional atmosphere by wallpapering each branch with the year’s submissions. This act encourages families to plan a visit to admire their children’s work and helps introduce the budding artists to the credit union. So by leveraging seasonal increases in traffic, SECNY is creating a community.

— 3 —

Spreading the Member Joy: SECNY also builds loyalty and trust in a fun fashion through their birthday reward program. Young members are invited to celebrate their special day by heading to their local branch to redeem a mailed postcard for a $5 account deposit. Fulmer notes that this incentive resulted in an approximate 40% redemption rate in 2021. 🥳

But even more important than this metric is the environment created by the SECNY team. Confesses Fulmer:“Our staff loves it when the kids come in because honestly I think a lot of our staff are just big kids themselves.”

In fact, member service representatives are encouraged to curate branch experiences to youth account holders. This challenge resulted in the creation of a SuperVine 3000, which appears in the Joe the Monkey Saves for a Goal picture book, that was presented to one young member on her birthday!

Joe the Monkey and his SuperVine 3000 in action!

As Fulmer reiterates, “Any chance to throw some sort of party or celebration in the lobby we’re all about!” These events incentivize the staff to get to know their youngest account holders and promote the SECNY philosophy of functioning as a family.

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this inaugural issue of the Marketing Manatee Musings newsletter! If there are any concepts you’d like me to cover in future editions, then please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m excited to connect with you again next month to share more ideas to help your credit union make a splash with young members and their families!

Here’s to putting our best fin lit flippers forward,

Erin Prim
Marketing Manatee