3 Ideas to Share and Save
I am excited to announce the launch of The Art of Allowance Academy course. This course is years in the making, and I hope you’ll join my first cohort on September 2nd.
This latest edition of 3 Ideas to Share and Save kicks off with more information about the course.
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The Art of Allowance Academy course launches on September 2nd (for parents of kids ages 0-10). The course for parents of tweens and teens debuts a week later on September 9th.
Unlike much of what’s out there, this is not a canned course. I teach it live, and you’ll get to interact with not only me but also your fellow students. This course is designed for folks who want to learn how and why they should set up an allowance system as well as how such a program can grow with their families.
Interested? Find out more here.
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In my last email, I shared one of the first Art of Allowance Podcast video shorts featuring Ashley Whillans. Our full podcast conversation is now live.
Ashley is interesting, funny and whip-smart. She shares so many ways that parents and kids can learn to use time better — which can make everyone happier. Here are just a few of the topics we cover:
- Helping our kids begin to think about their careers from a time-rich perspective
- Why you might consider more short vacations instead of fewer long ones
- The concept of “time confetti” and how we can help our kids and ourselves avoid it
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The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood publishes terrific resources for parents like us who hope to raise less materialistic kids. In addition to information about tech safety, offline play and managing screen time, they now provide resources for surviving — even thriving — during the pandemic. I love this one: “Does Screen Time Matter During a Pandemic?“
I’ll be releasing my conversation with Josh Golin, the group’s Executive Director, next Friday, so look for that. And even more resources!
Enjoy the journey.
Chief Mammal (and fellow parent)
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