AOA 038: Raising a Money-Smart, Commercial-Free Child – With Guest Josh Golin
Is it possible to protect our kids from rampant consumerism in a social media age? Josh Golin of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood helps answer this question.
The Art of Allowance Podcast with John Lanza
Is it possible to protect our kids from rampant consumerism in a social media age? Josh Golin of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood helps answer this question.
Just how strong is the relationship between a person’s physical and financial health? Dr. Barbara O’Neill will gladly fill you in!
What is the relationship between money and time, and how can we improve it?
You’ve taught your child to save and share … but how about to spend smart? Trae Bodge can help you tackle this important step in any money-smart journey! An accomplished lifestyle journalist and television commentator, Trae specializes in smart shopping, personal finance, parenting, and retail.
“I think it’s okay to let your kids make mistakes because that’s how we learn.”— Cameron Huddleston Is there a case for tying chores to allowance? If so, then Cameron …
“Learning about money has the power to transform lives.” — Andrea Ferrero How do hip hop and financial literacy go hand-in-hand? Andrea Ferrero will gladly explain! Andrea is a co-founder …
Are you wondering how best to talk to your kids during a crisis? With coronavirus and COVID-19 dominating our lives, I thought it would be helpful to take a slight detour with this episode and talk to an expert about how we can have better conversations with our kids in the midst of a crisis.
Are you looking for ideas to incorporate into your allowance program? Then you’ll enjoy my conversation with Mark and Kimberlee Barnes, “The Not So Perfect Parents.” Mark and Kimberlee are …
“Instead of just thinking about student loans at once, in a vacuum, as […] one issue, we need to think about it in the greater perspective of everything that these …
“Kids need control over their own money.” — David Owen Do you fret about giving your kids too much autonomy when it comes to money and allowance? In this episode …